Wednesday 16 May 2012

Poem - All Inside (The Waring In my Mind)

Chained together in one place,
each one despising the other, 
both making arguments which portray their nature.
One wanting wholeness & balance, desiring to be selfless.
The other to fulfill selfish appetites for pleasure.
One trying in earnest to plant roots in fertile soil,
the other wanting to reap anarchy & chaos.
Both fighting for dominance, 
both labours delivered by one hand.
One, weak & tired from resisting, 
yields to the screaming tantrums of the other.
One petrified of the other being exposed,
wears a mask to conceal the truth.
One plus one equals two or is it one?
But how, when bitter & sweet waters can't flow from the same stream?
All exists within one person, all within one mind.


  1. I like it Tim, well done, it is very descriptive.

  2. I'm sure many people would feel this way too Tim but are unable to articulate their feelings and emotions so well in words like you have very successfully managed to do and as sad as your words are it is a great gift that you possess! I send you all the hope and courage in the world in your BPD recovery.
